Kia cars are made for performance and longevity. However, the lifespan of your Kia vehicle is largely dependent on how well you take care of it, including maintenance of individual Kia parts. Learn how to make these essential components last longer. 

Professional Inspection 

Depending on the specific component and the model you own, your Kia parts will need service at contrasting times. The Kia Soul, for example, requires an oil change every 8,000 miles, while its tires require a rotation every 6,000 miles. Be sure to get each part inspected at the dealership in accordance with the part’s maintenance interval.  


While all parts require an eventual professional inspection, you should perform a DIY inspection at more frequent intervals. This is important because some parts may require repairs more frequently depending on the driving conditions. You should, for example, perform a tire pressure check every 30 days, and check the oil dipstick monthly, too.   

Remove Debris 

Cleaning a car part isn’t just for show; it can actually improve vehicle function. Regularly cleaning the battery and terminals, for example, prevents corrosion and sulfuric acid buildup that can damage the connection points. Similarly, you should routinely remove solid debris like leaves and dirt from the engine bay. Physical obstruction can inhibit the engine’s air intake and lead to overheating.  

Adhere to the Dashboard Light Warnings 

If any of the dashboard icon lights come on, address the issue by making an appointment at a dealership right away. Too many car owners ignore warning lights, exacerbating existing issues and risking the health of their car.  

Schedule Regular Service  

Come into our Kia service center in Folsom, CA for your next maintenance appointment. Routine tune-ups from one of our certified mechanics can ensure that your car – and all of its parts – will continue to smoothly.