There are many reasons to consider a Kia lease for your next vehicle, including access to the newest models on the market and big savings on top-of-the-line models. But what happens when your lease comes to an end? Our team at Folsom Lake Kia is sharing everything you need to know about the end-of-lease process.

Adjust Costs

When your lease ends, there will likely be a few costs you’ll need to settle, starting with a standard disposition fee. If you are over the mileage allotment for your Kia lease, you’ll need to settle the overage charges, and you’ll be responsible for any traffic or parking tickets accrued while the vehicle was in your possession.

Schedule an Inspection

Before the dealership can take your leased vehicle back, they’ll need to inspect it to determine if there was any damage beyond regular wear and tear. You can schedule the inspection at the dealership the day you return your car, or you can have an inspection team visit your work or home to complete it before the day of return.

Decide Next Steps

You have a few different options available to you when the lease ends. If you like the vehicle, you may decide to buy the lease out, which can save you money, depending on how much you have already paid into the lease. The most common end-of-lease choice is to trade the current model in for an all-new Kia vehicle.

The Kia Lease Process is Made Easy In Folsom, CA

No matter what your vehicle lease needs may be, Folsom Lake Kia is here to help. Schedule an appointment with our Kia experts to make your next move. Learn how to return your leased vehicle with ease and begin testing out exciting new models today!