Is your car experiencing recurring issues, almost one after another? Should you proceed with Kia repairs at a Kia service center, or is it time for a new car purchase? Here are some scenarios where replacing your existing car may be better than another round of repairs.
Repair Costs Exceed the Car’s Value
A transmission rebuild, for example, costs an average of $6,400. An older car’s value may be below that or just a little over. In this instance, it may be time for a new car. From a financial standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to pay for repairs that costs more than the car’s worth.
You Want More Fuel Efficiency
Car technology improves really quickly. Engines nowadays are more fuel efficient than their counterparts from just a decade ago. Consider replacing the car if a long-term goal is cutting down on fuel consumption and cost.
Your Needs Have Changed
Your life may have changed drastically in the years since you bought your current car. Maybe you now have children, and your compact sedan just doesn’t cut it when traveling with the family in tow. It may be time to upgrade to a new car with more seating, cargo, and towing capacity.
You Want Greater Safety
Just as automotive engines have improved over the years, so have overall car safety. Modern cars have stronger crumple zones that better withstand impact. It also has new driver safety technology. The Kia Drive Wise, for example, consists of driver assistance feature unavailable even just a few years ago. A new car may be suitable if you want a greater peace of mind.
Visit Folsom Lake Kia if you think it’s time for a new car. On the other hand, if you’re okay with repairs, we perform maintenance on all models, from the Kia Rio to the Kia Niro.